Monday, December 10, 2012

Entry Five


Dear Diary,

Ralph called a meeting today and decided to talk about the beast again and decide what it is. I took the conch and told the littluns that they are a bunch of sissies that don't help. I told them that they'll have to put up with fear like the rest of us. I told everyone that if there was a beast I would have seen it. It was pointless for everyone to be so frightened about it. I set the conch down and was applauded for giving them relief. Piggy took the conch and suggested that we are only afraid of people. For proof, he called up a littlun named Phil. He said that he had a nightmare last night and woke up. He was outside the shelter by himself in the dark and he saw something big and horrid moving among the trees. Simon admitted that it was him going to a place in the jungle. 

Another littlun named Percival told me that the beast came out of the sea. Simon tried to say something but was unable to express his thoughts. Someone thought Simon meant that the beast was a ghost. Piggy said he doesn't believe in ghosts and I told the fatty that no one cares what he thinks. Piggy ranted and I told him to shut up. Ralph told me to stop breaking the rules because they're the only thing we've got. I got the crowd excited and the assembly shredded away. 

This littlun said the beast is in the sea.

Another picture from the assembly

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